10 Foods You Shouldn’t Have When Pregnant
When you are pregnant, there are some foods that you need to avoid. While what you eat is important for your development of the baby, it’s also important for your health and well-being. Here is a list of 10 foods that you should stay away from when pregnant.
Fish with mercury
Mercury can harm brain development of the unborn baby. Tuna and swordfish are fish that will likely have mercury in them and should be avoided while you’re pregnant.
Raw eggs
Raw eggs may contain salmonella that can harm the unborn baby. It’s best to stay away from raw eggs while you’re pregnant, including foods that are made with raw eggs, such as salad dressing, mousse, tiramisu, and ice cream.
Unwashed fruits and vegetables
While you should already be washing your fruits and vegetables while not pregnant, it’s even more important to stay away from unwashed produce while you’re pregnant. Washing won’t get rid of all of the pesticides on the food, but at least will wash away the harmful bacteria that can make you sick.
Raw or undercooked meat
Just as with raw eggs, meats need to be cooked until they are no longer pink or red. This will kill the germs that are on the meat and keep you from getting sick. Sushi made with raw fish is another food that needs to be avoided, since the fish isn’t cooked properly.
There is no amount of alcohol that can be consumed safely while pregnant, as it could hurt the baby’s development. It’s best to stay away from alcohol completely, even before you know you’re pregnant, and once you learn about your pregnancy. Heavy drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome that can cause birth defects or mental retardation.
It’s best to stay away from caffeine while pregnant as it is a stimulant and may harm the unborn baby. While some studies have shown that small amounts of caffeine are safe during pregnancy, others say that even small amounts increase the risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. It’s best to avoid caffeine while pregnant, but if you can’t live without it, then limit yourself to two cups of coffee or tea per day.
Cow’s milk
The proteins in cow’s milk can trigger an allergic reaction in the unborn baby. While some believe that they should switch over to goat milk during their pregnancy, most experts disagree. Goat milk is more similar to cow milk than it is to human milk, meaning that you should switch back to cow milk after your baby is born.
Raw fish
While sushi made with raw fish may be dangerous if you’re not pregnant, it can also be dangerous when you are pregnant. Raw and undercooked fish can contain parasites and bacteria that may harm the baby. Make sure to cook your sushi, sashimi, ceviche, and gravlax while you’re pregnant.
Street food or food from unknown sources
Street food is often not cooked properly and may contain harmful bacteria. It may not sanitized properly and may contain harmful chemicals. This food is often not fresh and may contain harmful toxins. Most of the times its not stored properly and may spoil quickly. Therefore, avoiding this can lead you to a healthier pregnancy duration.
Any artificial sweeteners
There is no clear evidence on how artificial sweeteners affect pregnancy, but it’s best to avoid them just in case. Some studies have shown that they may increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm birth, and low birth weight. It’s best to avoid all artificial sweeteners while pregnant.
Consult a Doctor
It’s best to consult a doctor before making any dietary changes, especially if you are pregnant. What is safe for one pregnancy may not be safe for another, so it’s always best to check with your doctor first.
You can find a Gastroenterologists in National Hospital & Medical Centre or Saifee Hospital