4 Important Tips for Traveling in an RV
Have you just purchased an RV? Well, you’re not the only one! With RV sales increasing 85% in recent years, more Americans than ever before are buying themselves a recreational vehicle.
Before you slide into the driver’s seat and hit the road, though, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure you have a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable adventure. Want to find out what they are? Read on for 4 top tips for traveling in an RV!
1. Don’t Forget to Plan Your Route
While there’s nothing wrong with taking a spontaneous trip in your RV every now and again, we recommend planning an approximate route ahead of time for longer adventures. Why?
Because knowing where and when you’re going has major advantages! Among other benefits, you’ll be able to avoid high-traffic areas, choose where to stop for lunch, identify any sightseeing opportunities, and make sure there’s somewhere appropriate to sleep each night.
2. Make a Road Trip Playlist
No road trip’s complete without some of your favorite music playing in the background! That’s why it’s always a good idea to put a playlist together beforehand (be it on Spotify or an old-fashioned CD mixtape).
Whether you opt for easy listening, heavy metal, road trip classics, or even some podcast episodes, it’ll make a mighty difference on long journeys. Expect the miles to drift by quicker and the atmosphere to remain upbeat in your RV.
3. Stock up on Snacks
There’s nothing like an empty stomach to ruin RV travel Avoid those hunger pangs and keep your energy levels up by buying a host of snacks to munch on in the RV. Of course, you can buy these from rest stops you pass along the way, but (for the sake of your health) try stocking up before you leave.
Just installed a fridge in your custom built RV? Consider buying groceries for dinners beforehand too. With a vehicle stuffed full of your favorite foodstuffs, you won’t have to worry about doing the shopping when you arrive at your final destination.
4. Take Regular Breaks
Rule number one of traveling in an RV: don’t overdo it in the driver’s seat! Those extended journeys can become treacherous as the hours roll by and you grow increasingly tired. Be sure to stop for a break on a regular basis.
Top tip: For particularly long stretches, it might even be worth taking a second capable driver along for the ride! That way, you can swap places and let them take over if/when you feel your eyelids growing heavy.
Remember These Tips for Traveling in an RV
Few things in life are as liberating as owning an RV. It’s the ultimate freedom! With a home on wheels, you can come and go as you please; sleep in new places every night and explore the most beautiful parts of the country.
However, there’s a definite learning curve to traveling in an RV too! With any luck, the tips in this article will help you learn the ropes a little quicker. To learn more about this topic and others like it, stick around and read similar articles on our blog!
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