A Pest Control Guide to Spiders in Utah
They’ve got 8 legs, they’re coming to your house in Utah, and a bite from them is not going to let you stick to walls and swing around your neighborhood on a web. What’s worse, some of these spiders can pose a threat to the health of you and your loved ones.
This presents quite the problem. How do you acquire the information you need to protect yourself?
Ask, and we shall provide you with this handy pest control guide to the different spiders in Utah you need to look out for!
But enough preamble, right? Let’s dig right into the meat of this thing.
The Different Spiders of Utah
One of the most common spiders in Utah is the ground spider, which often goes into homes to look for food or seek shelter during the day. Relying on their speed over webs to catch prey, these spiders aren’t venomous or aggressive towards humans but can prove a nuisance. They are brown with light marks on the top of their body.
House spiders (or hobo spiders) differentiate themselves through their lighter color and more aggressive tendencies, though they still aren’t venomous. Wolf spiders rank among the bigger arachnids on this list, sitting at almost 3 inches in length (combining body and leg length).
The Big Threats
When it comes to spiders you need to watch out for, the black widow spider ranks highest on the list. While females are venomous, they tend to not deliver enough venom to kill anyone but the immunocompromised and kids.
Black widows can be identified through their black bodies, hooked legs, and trademark red hourglass mark on their stomachs. If bitten, go to a doctor promptly to avoid further damage from the venom.
The other big-name threat in the world of spiders in Utah is the brown recluse spider. Coming in under an inch long, you’ll recognize these spiders from the lined marking on their back and light-brown color.
While their bites will cause blisters and potential infection, they tend to not be lethal. You’ll also want to see a doctor to treat the wound.
Spider Pest Control and Prevention
While recognizing spiders will help keep you safe, how can you prevent the pests from getting into your house to begin with? The first thing to do is remove any potential entrances spiders could use to get into your house. Close up any cracks in your exterior walls or doors, and patch window screens if you notice large holes in them.
You also want to remove hiding spots for spiders from your property or things that attract them. This means getting rid of dark and cool spaces like wood piles, stacks of clothing, or old boxes. You’ll also want to clear heavy bushes and leaf piles from the front of your house, as spiders like to use these as shelter.
Finally, take steps to ward off other insects, as the presence of these pests will lure spiders looking for a meal. This means keeping food locked away and using fewer outdoor lights (so as not to draw moths). And if all else fails, call in pest control experts like the guys at Holmesutah.com to kick the spiders out for good.
Kick Spiders in Utah to the Curb
Now that you know all about the different spiders in Utah and how to keep your house spider-free, you’re ready to make sure no arachnids darken your doorstep!
But what about other kinds of pests like mice or ants? How do you keep them out?
Well, make sure to check back on our blog for more articles on keeping your home safe from threats!