10 Tips For Modern Farmhouse Decor
If you’ve ever dreamed of living in a modern farmhouse and have yet to decide how to make it happen, I’m here to help. The best part is that getting the look doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. It may even save you money.
Its post will walk you through 10 tips for modern farmhouse decor that will stay within your budget and require much DIY know-how. These ideas inspire your next big home update, from mixing old with new to incorporating unexpected colors!
What is the Modern Farmhouse Decor
The Modern Farmhouse decor is a style that is all about simplicity and character. The style is typically found in rustic homes with many natural elements and colors.
The furniture pieces are typically built from wood and metal and are not overly fancy or ornate. The colors in this style tend to be neutral or earthy, like browns, grays, and tans.
- Mix Old With New.
A fantastic method to achieve the farmhouse vibe is to combine old and new. You can mix vintage and new furniture, or you can even mix styles to create a unique look. For example, you could buy an old metal chicken feeder with rustic charm but add a modern metal lamp next to it to contrast in materials and style.
This mixing of styles allows for more flexibility when decorating your home and creates different moods within each room, depending on the time of day.
- Think Outside The Shiplap.
When decorating a farmhouse, think beyond the shiplap. While creating an authentic look is easy, it can get a little stale. Incorporating reclaimed wood into your home’s interior design will add new life to the style and make it feel fresh again.
Consider using reclaimed wood for the inside of your house and its exterior! In addition to being practical.
- Incorporate Open Shelving.
- Besides displaying your favorite items, open shelving is also an excellent storage option.
- They can store other items if you want to use something other than the open shelves as a showcase for books or plants. You can purchase premade open shelving from stores such as IKEA or build them out of wood.
- Incorporating open shelves into your home will give it warmth and character; however, feel free to use them in living rooms! You can incorporate open shelves into any house room, including hallways and bedrooms.
- Choose Matte Kitchen Cabinets.
Matte kitchen cabinets are the way to go if you want to get a modern farmhouse style. They are ideal for active families because they require little upkeep and are simple to clean. Additionally, if you’d prefer a color other than white or gray, a vast selection is available.
- Add Warmth With Wood Accents.
- Use wood accents to add warmth. Whether it’s a farmhouse table or exposed beams on the ceiling, wood makes any space feel more inviting.
- You can use them as a focal point, like an antique buffet or rustic-looking bookshelf; as a decorative piece, like an old trunk or wooden heart; or as part of the architecture of your home and furniture, like wall-mounted shelves overtop of a brick wall. They’re everywhere!
- Use Color In Unexpected Ways.
Add personality to your home by using color in unexpected ways.
- Add warmth with a pop of red or orange. These colors are associated with fire and heat, making the space feel cozy and inviting
- Create calmness with a light blue or green hue. These colors are associated with water and nature, so they can help create a sense of peace and relaxation within your farmhouse decorating scheme.
- Make things feel energized by using yellow hues that resemble the sun’s rays and avoid browns, which can make you tired instead!
- Make yourself fun by picking out pastels that add vibrancy without overpowering (think mint green).
- Get Creative With Pendant Lighting.
Pendant lighting is a great way to add modern farmhouse flair to your home. You can use pendant light fixtures in many ways, from the kitchen and dining room to the living room and hallway. They’re also great for adding an unexpected pop of color or pattern in an otherwise neutral space.
If you want to go for something more traditional, consider using them as part of your decorating scheme: think farmhouse meets industrial chic with hanging fixtures made of metal chains and wire mesh. Or maybe you want something more rustic?
Try hanging lanterns filled with pretty flowers around the house in different shapes and sizes on different lengths of chains. It will add warmth without taking too much away from other design details like woodwork or windowsills.
- Include Warm Metals, Like Brass And Copper.
Brass and copper are great ways to add rustic, farmhouse charm to your home. All rooms of the house, including the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedrooms, can be decorated with these mellow metals. You can also use brass and copper accents in the dining room or entryway. For example:
- In the kitchen: A small piece of brass or copper art on top of a bookshelf full of cookbooks lends an air of warmth while adding interest to the space. Brass fixtures like light fixtures and faucets are another way to add a touch of brightness without being too bright (pun intended).
- In bathrooms: Adding metallic trim along countertops or cabinets will give them a more modern feel without being too out there. If you have any spare time leftover from renovating your bathroom, consider installing new hardware for all doors so that there’s less clutter on walls where it can distract from other decorations like the artwork above mirrors or plants around windowsills that make up most environments’ overall appearance.
- Let In Lots Of Natural Light.
Try incorporating it into your design to make the most of your natural light. For example, adding a mirror in front of a window can reflect even more light. This is a great way to brighten dark corners and give them more depth. You can also use blinds on windows that receive direct sunlight or install dimmer switches on lights that you want to set at different levels throughout the day.
If you have less natural brightness in your home than you’d like, consider using candles for lighting. Candles create a warm glow that adds warmth and intimacy without being too harsh on your eyes, and they can help set the mood for any occasion!
- Incorporate Wood Elements Into The Bathroom.
Incorporating wood elements into the bathroom creates a sense of warmth and comfort. Use it for the vanity, mirror, flooring, shower, and sink the more you can use wood in this space, the better!
- A white-painted vanity is an excellent choice because it doesn’t draw too much attention to itself but still provides a clean look that’s easy to work with.
- A simple scarf or leather bag hung on a wall hook will add some interest and color to your space without being too busy or distracting. You can also hang some art pieces on the walls if you’d like; this looks especially nice if they’re framed by wooden frames (like these).
- If there isn’t already carpeting in your bathroom, adding some will add another layer of warmth and style to it, plus it’ll keep things quieter when someone is taking a shower!
- Black And White Modern Farmhouse Decor
Black and white modern farmhouse decor is all the rage these days. Here are some tips on how to get the look:
- Use black and white paint in your home. Look for a creamy white or crisp grey as a base, then add pops of color on accent walls or with accessories.
- Use black and white accessories throughout your home to create a cohesive look. Mix up glassware and vases with similar patterns but different colors.
- Choose mostly neutral furniture with accents from black or metallic details, like this console table from West Elm.
- Coastal Farmhouse Decor
The coastal farmhouse style is a natural fusion of the country and seashore, incorporating elements from each in a way that makes for an inviting and modern look. This style is all about natural light and airy spaces, so it’s no surprise that it often uses wood as its main material.
But don’t be fooled: though you might think this means heavy rustic furniture with lots of dark finishes, the coastal farmhouse aesthetic is very bright and open. Use lots of white or neutral colors like tan, grayish-blue, or green to bring a fresh feeling to your home without overpowering it with bolder hues. You can also use darker tones as accents throughout your space without overwhelming them by pairing them with lighter shades like cream or even yellow if you want something brighter than white but not quite “bright” enough for sunshine yellow!
Wood floors work particularly well here since they match many different styles while still keeping things cozy and adding warmth too! If you want something slightly more modern looking, try painting white walls instead; this will make them less stark than plain old drywall so that everything else seems warmer when placed against those whites instead!
If possible, try implementing open shelving into your designs as well; because these give items room to air out properly, so there won’t be any mustiness building up over time which can happen if all those perfumes get trapped inside closed cabinets where dampness isn’t able to escape from easily enough due its lack of ventilation sources nearby.
- Boho Farmhouse Decor
Boho-inspired farmhouse decor is all about mixing patterns and textures.
The best way to achieve this look is to choose a few key pieces representing your style and then fill your home with many smaller accessories and accents that play off those motifs.
- Cheap Farmhouse Decor
If you’re looking for cheap farmhouse decor, you’ve come to the right place! Here are some of our favorite tips:
- Try making DIY projects like these super easy DIY chicken feeders and waterers. If you love chickens but don’t have enough space in your backyard, this is an excellent option!
- Use tufted bedding and ruffled curtains as part of your bedroom design to achieve a country-style look that doesn’t break the bank.
- Add metal cutlery holders from the dollar store (or your local thrift store) on top of wooden hangers in an entry closet to create an interesting display piece that doesn’t require much effort! This simple step will add character without being too overwhelming or expensive from scratch. It’s worth considering if all else fails when finding affordable options on eBay.
Final Thought
This list of tips for how to get started with modern farmhouse decor is just the beginning. There are several possibilities; you may definitely use this list as a starting point for your original ideas. We hope it will serve as the beginning of your quest to design a stunning home that perfectly captures who you are!