Graduation thesis sites where you can find student resources
There are less than 100 days to go to high school and arriving prepared is not easy if you do not follow a personalized program and you do not have teachers and tutors who follow you carefully.
There is no lack of challenges to get ready for high school, but there is no need for you to face them without a minimum of external help, if you think you are not adequately followed by the school you attend.
Changing schools after March 15th is almost impossible, but we would still like to help you prepare for the baccalaureate exam by indicating tools, guides, useful resources to deal with tests and exams with greater mastery. We have already seen the apps to study better and how to use Instagram better, on this page we point out some websites aimed at students that can certainly be useful for you! Do you want to stay up to date on news from the world of students?
A novelty for students is Corsinfad.it a blog for the dissemination of knowledge on school subjects: art, history, Italian, chemistry, mathematics, science, etc. suitable for everyone.
Studenti.it reports competitions, bonuses, scholarships, changes in the teaching plan and test exit dates; Quotidiani.net collects interesting news published online on the world of school concerning both students and their parents, useful for learning about everything related to school environments.
Math resources
Is it math that worries you the most? Math.it contains various mathematical formulas, tutorials on the study of functions, self-test to ascertain what has actually been learned on the subject.
On Mathematically it is possible to test yourself with numerous mathematics and other subject’s tests divided into study classes. Obviously, the State Exam tests from previous years are also available on the MIUR website to compare you with the tests of past years and get an idea of what awaits you. Do you want to review something also in the field of our language?
Lasailunga presents several fun tests on personalities and literary works that can help us summarize what we know about Italian literature.
English help
Do you want to learn English more quickly and easily? There are numerous portals that contain tests and exercises to get used to the grammar rules of the English-speaking world: a4esl.org contains grammar and vocabulary quizzes of varying degrees of difficulty. EF is a collection of resources on teaching English, useful for constantly increasing the practical knowledge of colloquial terms: this portal contains a collection of English-speaking idioms, a vocabulary of the most popular terms and a test to verify one’s knowledge. Esercizinglese.com is a very complete collection of lessons on English grammar, divided into grades – basic, intermediate and advanced – and in this portal there are translation exercises and tests to check your level of knowledge of the language. There is also no lack of readings in the original language, audio exercises starting from universal classic texts, nice games to associate the terms with their translations, a forum in which to confront others with the same curiosity and a blog divided into different sections.
Do you want to hone your knowledge of Latin?
Studentimiei is a site no longer updated but which contains numerous versions of classical texts assigned with lots of suggestions on the method of dealing with the translation correctly, contains a list of rhetorical figures to memorize, grammar cards to always have a summary of the most common forms available, as well as a list of maxims that can be used to deepen our texts. Latinovivo.com is a portal that contains a good amount of classical texts, Greek and Latin literature files, the translation of texts from the original version into Italian, a compendium of adverbs and conjunctions to be used, a summary of the methodologies to follow when a revision is carried out, as well as a real revision program to organize one’s own revision activity of what has been studied. All useful tricks to try your hand at tests on ancient languages, don’t you think? Splashlatino contains a wealth of translations from Latin to our language, all the versions assigned from ’47 to today assigned to classical high schools and to the master’s qualification tests, a flood of classical texts on which to practice in order to achieve flawless translations.
And what do you think? Do you already follow some site that offers you useful resources to study or do you prefer to work on your own?