5 Tips for Cleaning Military Uniform
We take pride in wearing our military uniform. It gives us confidence, a sense of duty, and a responsibility to people’s welfare. Moreover, people look up to us and respect men in uniform. However, would this be possible if you were wearing a dirty and crumpled military uniform?
I don’t think so. That’s why you should learn the proper ways of cleaning a military uniform, whether you are doing it yourself or relying on your favorite laundry service. Here are the tips for doing so:
Wash military uniforms separately.
The same principle with washing your regular clothes, you need to separate clothes by color and soil level. You should not wash your military uniform together with other regular clothes because color transfer and fastness may happen, which may damage your military uniform. However, you may wash it with other military uniforms as long as they are in the same color.
Moreover, do not wash them with other regular clothes because military uniforms have different soil levels. If you laundry them together, your regular clothes might absorb their dirt.
Only use mild detergent and cold water.
Do not use harsh laundry detergents, such as brightening agents, bleach, and specialty cleaners. Only use mild detergents to protect the permethrin on your military uniform. Permethrin is an important feature of your military uniform as it kills pests that you may encounter during your duty.
Moreover, only use cold water when washing your military uniform. Again, this is to avoid removing the permethrin on your uniform.
Wash clothes in a regular or permanent press cycle.
If your military uniform is dirty, set the wash cycle as regular or permanent. This wash cycle is not harsh on your clothes. If you have enough time, hand washing your military uniform is the best option.
When necessary, dryer only on low heat.
It is not advisable to put your military uniform inside the dryer, and it may damage the permethrin on your uniform. However, if you need your uniform as soon as possible, you can dry it separately in a low-heat setting.
Do not dry clean your military uniform, even if it is at your trusted laundry delivery service.
Air dry uniform on a plastic hanger to avoid wrinkles.
Air drying is the best option for military uniforms, especially when military uniforms should be neat and unwrinkled in the military handbooks. Air drying ensures that wrinkles are not formed on the fabric if you use a plastic or wooden hanger.
Air dry uniform for at least 2 to 4 hours. Do not iron as it destroys the permethrin in your uniform.
Final Thoughts
Every working person needs to be on duty with a clean and tidy uniform; especially for men in uniform, it gives more respect to their image.
However, there are some variations in cleaning different military uniforms. It is best to consult your seniors or military handbook first to find the proper laundering instructions for special uniforms. You can also ask the experts at your laundry delivery service.
Read also : 5 Tips for Cleaning Military Uniform