Surprising ways internet is messing with our heads
To be fair to the internet, it is more to do with how we use it rather than it being bad in principle. So many people use the internet for learning and other productive activities, but that is not always the case.
When you are not being mindful about your internet usage or the consumption of the content therein, then you are putting yourself at risk, since with the good, also comes the very bad.
There are multiple ways in which unregulated internet is bad for our wellbeing. Social media has not been kind to people’s mental health. From the fixation on looking a certain way, to the avatars that we launch on the web, the pitfalls are plenty.
Not everyone is able to moderate their response to social media very well, which is why it can lead to addiction, increase in depression, stress and anxiety, that then requires the help of mental health experts like those at Hameed Latif Hospital.
Surprising ways internet is hampering your wellbeing
There are some apparent ways that we all realize that unmoderated use of the internet is bad. For example, going on some fishy sites, or consumption of adult content. But there are many subtle and surprising ways that the internet is hampering our wellbeing.
Increasing paranoia about security
Whether it be the surprising revelations about social media sites from Snowden or the whistle blowing at Facebook, we have all heard about the case studies in which some of the big names in the tech world are using data, and not always with people’s consent.
It can thus increase your paranoia. Being cautious is good, but too much paranoia in matters that are not always relevant to security like negative evaluation can then start to manifest. Some people might also buy into the crazy conspiracy theories, such fraught nerves.
Wanting the impossible
The Internet, and mostly social media, has given people the impression that quick and hot money is possible. While it may have worked for a very few cases, it is not always the case. This shift in your perception of reality is not a good thing.
The impossible is not only limited to the lifestyle we want to lead, but the way we look as well. Thanks to the many filters present on the internet, we have an idea how we’d look if we changed our features like getting fuller lips, straighter nose etc. Once they envision it, many people then want it, due to which they are willing to get expensive procedures done.
Rewarding all sorts of behavior
The Internet’s moral compass is not always in the right place. So many people become famous for all the wrong reasons. Whether it be the Tinder Swindler getting his own show deal, despite swindling millions of dollars from women, or reality TV stars are do all sorts of immoral behaviors, all internet cares about is the virality of the content, which can then make people do questionable things for just their two seconds of fame.
Boosting egoistic traits
When you are displaying your life to the internet, awaiting the likes and the comments, you are doing all this to just stroke your ego. You start operating as if you have an audience, and people want to hear what you think.
While having a healthy amount of confidence is good but being borderline narcissistic is not.
Making us care about inconsequential things
We are all guilty of caring about what other people think of our online personas. We then might sweat over finding the right selfie, crafting the perfectly witty email, waiting on the praise from people.
However, caring about these inconsequential things is not good for your mental health. When you get your validation from others, you set yourself up for issues like anxiety, sadness etc., that then requires help of the Best Psychologist in Karachi.