Surrogacy in Georgia: What Should You Know?
The miraculous gift of having a child makes someone’s life brighter and more meaningful. Those who seek parenthood often turn to surrogacy services as the most reliable tool for successful dream fulfillment. But here’re the next challenges prepared for intended parents: which surrogacy destinations to choose for your particular endeavor?
Recently there is a growing number of IPs who choose Georgia for their surrogacy journey. In which way this tendency is stipulated? Let’s find out more about the potential that holds surrogacy in Georgia for willing intended parents.
Surrogacy in Georgia: Main Features
To begin with, gestational surrogacy in Georgia is permitted by law. This implies that the surrogate mother has no biological or hereditary connection to the child. Surrogacy regulation additionally guarantees that the surrogate mother has no legitimate maternal cases to the kid after giving birth.
On the other hand, only married heterosexual couples can experience surrogacy services in Georgia. So if you are a single parent or gay couple, it’s better for you to seek other surrogacy destinations that will legally protect your decision to become a parent.
Nevertheless, the process of selecting future surrogate moms is reasonably strict due to the conditions of Georgia surrogacy law. Females somewhere in the range of 21 and 41 years are qualified to become surrogate moms in Georgia if they are viewed as healthy enough for a perfect match after an underlying clinical examination.
As for the exit process and parents’ rights over the kid, all these aspects are legally resolved in Georgia by issuing pre-birth order ahead of any medical surrogacy procedures. The same goes for a contract between IPs and the surrogate, which must be prepared and approved before the surrogacy process itself.
Final Thoughts
Like any other country, Georgia has its own unique approach when addressing surrogacy. It’s important to self-educate before embarking on a surrogacy journey in a particular country. But still, it might be quite troublesome to wrap your head around all of the pros and cons, especially when it comes to legal bits. Hence, it would be advisable to refer to a proven surrogacy agency like World Center of Baby and lift the burden of your doubts and fears by sharing all risks together.
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