Vagus Nerve Exercises for Better Circulation
The vagus nerve is an amazing part of our bodies; it’s the main nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system and helps with things like digestion, heart rate, blood pressure, and the immune system.
Logically, if you can improve this nerve, then you can improve your quality of life too. And like with most other things, you can do exercises to get things going!
But how exactly do you stimulate the vagus nerve? What are the best practices?
Below are some vagus nerve exercises you can use for better circulation!
Box Breathing
Box breathing (aka deep breathing) can do wonders when you’re stressed out.
First, breathe out slowly to get rid of all the air in your lungs. Now breathe in slowly through your nose over 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 4 seconds. Next, breathe out slowly for 4 seconds, and hold your breath for another 4 seconds.
Do this 4 times, and try to keep your breaths steady. At the end, you should feel calm and relaxed.
Deep breathing can be a type of meditation, but you can take it one step further with this proper vagus nerve exercise.
If you already know how to meditate, then great! Otherwise, there are plenty of free apps and websites that teach you how to ground yourself and improve your moods.
Just make sure you make an “mmm” sound, as this can stimulate the vagus nerve.
For daily vagus nerve exercises, it doesn’t get better than this! After all, they say laughter is the best medicine.
Spend some time with a funny loved one or put on your favorite comedy show. When you start laughing, this will contract your stomach muscles, which can stimulate the vagus nerve.
Not only will this help with your vagus nerve, but it’ll also help clear your mind and make you feel lighter.
Cold Exposure
Cold exposure can activate the vagus nerve. Another added benefit is if you do it regularly, then you can decrease your “fight or flight” response.
If you’re feeling stressed out, you can dunk your face in cold water. Otherwise, you can finish off each shower with 30 seconds of cold water. You can then gradually increase the duration over time.
Exercise has a number of physical and mental health benefits. But did you know it can stimulate the vagus nerve too?
The beauty of exercise is there’s a wide variety of activities available, so try them out and see which one speaks to you. You don’t have to be hardcore about it either; just make sure you stick to it to reap the maximum benefits.
If you’re still struggling, then you might benefit from a vagus nerve stimulation device. All you need is 15 minutes a day!
Try These Vagus Nerve Exercises Out
With these vagus nerve exercises, you’ll be able to see a difference in your daily life.
So if you want to improve your health, then focus on your vagus nerve. From there, you’ll better your overall health!
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