What Does 2022 Have in Store for Hybrid Working?
During the pandemic, many companies hastily transferred business processes and employee communication online and were afraid that labor productivity would drop sharply in an unusual work format. Now some of the employees have returned to the office, but it turned out that it is not so easy to establish well-coordinated work when part of the team meets daily at work, and part works remotely. Therefore, companies take the welfare of their employees seriously. Their HR departments now have hybrid workers or wellness departments, that is, taking care of the emotional state of employees.
Hybrid format
The ability to work remotely is one of the main characteristics of a lifestyle in a pandemic. Almost two years after it began, many do not want to return to the office: some prefer a hybrid work format, while others want to stay remote forever. It is becoming increasingly clear that the office market as we are used to it is moving in the direction of inevitable change. Many companies have chosen a more flexible way of working for their employees in the long run. Forced self-isolation, remote work have led to the fact that the psychological barriers associated with working outside the office have disappeared among employees.
How was it before the pandemic?
Before the pandemic, employees of many companies worked in the office. With its beginning, almost everyone was gradually transferred to a remote mode of operation. Now some of the employees have returned to the office, depending on the epidemiological situation. Companies will operate in this format until the end of the year. Specialists study feedback from employees and workout formats for further work. It is believed that in the new realities, some of them will retain a flexible schedule with the possibility of visiting the office several times a week. More job seekers and employees are looking for flexible working hours, telecommuting, and online tools.
What do job seekers want?
Job seekers are increasingly asking what their work schedule will be like. People have realized that the remote work format gives them many opportunities, so they are immediately interested in what a potential employer thinks about it. This is a global trend. Most US companies are moving towards a hybrid workplace where large numbers of office workers will work in and out of the office. It is a sophisticated way of organizing the work week that will change the culture of the company, employee engagement, the way work is done, and the use of office space.
What happens in 2022?
In 2022, the transition to a new, so-called activity-based office model continues, when office space is planned not around seats, but around those functional tasks that are solved in a particular work area. This turned out to be the most successful decision, about two-thirds of employers in the next five years will transfer part of their employees to remote work. We are talking about millions of people in the workforce. Some employers predict that this could have a negative impact on productivity. However, the EOR (employer of record) proved that during the pandemic, only a few employers noted the low efficiency of their staff when switching to work from home.
Why is it effective?
The hybrid model is effective for every business in the long run. They all adapted to the company without seeing the leader live, without immersing themselves in the life of the teams. Such an immersion process is possible and does not take much time. At the same time, employees do not feel a lack of personal interaction. When a company is focused on lightning-fast solutions and changing habitual processes, on growth and creativity, it is critical to be in a single space. Online gives greater flexibility, and at a distance, team cohesion and decision-making speed depend on the ability to be in a commonplace.
Final Words
Companies around the world will soon implement one or another type of combined work of employees. It is assumed that employees will be at the workplace for a certain time, depending on the position and scope of work. This will force companies in 2022 to rethink the approach to many business events, including meetings, and develop new rules for communicating in a hybrid format.