5 Best and Effective Home Remedies for Acidity
Acidity is one of the most common problems associated with our stomach and digestive system, and almost everyone once in a lifetime experiences this troublesome. When someone is experiencing acidity it means that his/her stomach is producing excessive acid and that can come upward in the esophagus.
It does not only make the stomach discomfort but also causes several other symptoms such as difficulty while swallowing, indigestion, and a sour taste in the mouth. In addition, there are several reasons that cause acidity such as smoking, an unhealthy diet that is full of fast or spicy foods, and the use of several medicines.
If symptoms associated with acidity tend to be severe then it can be dangerous news. In that case, a gastroenterologist may recommend an esophageal pH test from top lab tests in Pakistan. However, if symptoms are not severe, some home remedies can be effective enough to rid of acidity at any age of people.
Home Remedies for Acidity
These remedies will be effective to reduce the symptoms of acidity:
1.Eat Bananas
Medical researchers believe that banana is an alkaline food because there is a high content of potassium in it. It may also reduce the level of acidity in the stomach and can also prevent your esophagus from irritation caused by acidity, says the academy of nutrition and dietetics.
However, you need to eat bananas that are ripe because they are high alkaline than unripe bananas. In addition, unripe bananas are not only low in alkaline but also heavy in starch and that’s why they can trigger acidity in some people. Therefore, make sure that you are eating ripe bananas.
Additionally, bananas are also packed with soluble fiber that helps a lot in flowing acid through the digestive tract, and this will also help you to stay full longer. The feelings of staying full for a period of time will help you to stay away from overeating.
2.Black Cumin Seeds
Maybe you don’t pay attention to black cumin seeds due to the limited information about their benefits. If you are experiencing acidity then black cumin seeds can be an effective treatment for you. Usually, many people experience acidity after taking their meals.
To prevent burning sensations in the stomach after eating, you can chew some seeds of black cumin. However, if you don’t like their taste, drinking water of them can be a great option. Take one tablespoon of these seeds and add them to a glass of water and boil them and then drink the water.
In addition, black cumin seeds play an essential role in protecting your stomach and esophagus. Therefore, they are effective in preventing and reducing the symptoms associated with stomach acidity such as constipation, bloating, heartburn, etc.
3.Resist the Urge of Overeating
When you try to prevent or reduce the severity of acidity, limiting your food consumption would be a good option. Portion-size meals will help you a lot to do so. When you eat a large number of foods, no matter spicy or natural, it puts more pressure on your stomach. Increased pressure on the stomach pushes acidity to the esophagus and increases the risk of heartburn.
If you are prone to heartburn and acidity, make sure that you are eating a diet in a small amount. However, if you are not good at bearing hunger, then eating frequently would be the best option. In that case, even you have to eat in small amounts.
Another thing you need to care about is that you need to slow down your speed of eating because eating quickly can also trigger the symptoms of acidity and heartburn. In addition, eating quickly can also increase the risks of gas which can worsen your acidity symptoms. Therefore, take some time to chew your bite completely.
Almonds are not only rich in minerals, fiber, and several nutrients but also reduce the risks of heartburn. And if you are using almonds as a home remedy for heartburn or acidity, they can help in absorbing acid from the stomach. However, further medical studies are needed to be conducted to know how almonds play an essential role in reducing the amount of acid in the stomach.
Additionally, several issues of acidity and heartburn are associated with the choice of diet and eating habits. Almonds will also help you to regulate eating habits because they have a nutritional value.
If you are a fan of sweet products and want to get rid of acidity and heartburn, then jaggery would help you a lot because this sweet product is packed with potassium and magnesium. Potassium, according to a gastroenterologist, plays an essential role in maintaining pH and also helps in increasing the production of mucus in the lining of the stomach. This action helps to reduce the level of acid in the stomach. In addition, magnesium in jaggery also relieves the symptoms associated with the digestive system.